Wednesday, July 12, 2006


A few months ago, I bought 6 pots of petunias, with 3 different colors. Then I transferred them into 2 Baba rectangular pots. 1 pot died, not sure why. Another pot survived and growing wildly, as seen in the photo. The other pot has been recycled to grow the babies of my Madagascar Periwinkles.

If you see on the right side, you will see a lot of greens with some tiny shoots of purple buds. There should be a lot more growing soon, from the centre, as there are so many healthy sticks growing. I have checked my books and asked some colleagues who are into serious gardening, but found no answer as to the identity of this one. Apparently, this plant is quite popular and widely grown in the kampung areas. I have also been wondering if people use the petals for their color purple when they make the sticky rice nyonya kuih, you know, the one where we dip with kaya.


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